
Kochen-Specker vector systems and Kochen-Specker graphs

In the paper "Co-Certificate Learning with SAT Modulo Symmetries" we generated so called Kochen-Specker candidate graphs (short KS-candidates). The script ./encodings/ can be used to reproduce the results.

The following command can be used to generate all KS-candidates with 19 vertices:

    python ./encodings/ -v 19 --all-graphs

To generate cubes, we can use the arguments --assignment-cutoff-prerun-time which gives the time spend in seconds before cubing, and --assignment-cutoff, which gives the minimal number of edge variables, which must be assigned for a cube.

    python ./encodings/ -v 22 --all-graphs --args-SMS "--assignment-cutoff-prerun-time 5 --assignment-cutoff 110"

The previous command produces cubes for 22 vertices. To solve the problem with the cubes stored in the file cubeFile, we use the following command:

    python ./encodings/ -v 22 --all-graphs --args-SMS " --cubes cubeFile --cube2solve 2390 2392 "

Erdős–Faber–Lovász conjecture

All encodings related to the EFL Conjecture are generated and solved by the script ./encodings/ The encoding is based on an incidence matrix to represent a hypergraph, i.e., the matrix indicates which vertices belong to which edge.

The most important arguments are as follows:

  • --n1 n: set the number of vertices to n
  • --n2 m: set the number of hyperedges to m
  • --selectCriticalSubgraph i: assert that the graph is (i-1)-reduced.
  • --maxClosedNeighborhood D: ensure that the size of the neighborhood of a vertex is at most D and weakly covered.
  • --deactivateCovering: deactivates the covering critierion; by default it is activated.

For example to test whether there is a hyper graph with 10 vertices and 14 edges, with edge chromatic number at least 11 which is 10-reduced, we can use the following command

    python ./encodings/ --n1 10 --n2 14 --selectCriticalSubgraph 11 --args-SMS "--min-chromatic-index-hypergraph 11"

Note that checking the minimum edge chromatic number is part of SMS and not the encoding itself and hence has to be given as argument to SMS.

Similar, we can check the FB Conjecture using the same script and the argument maxClosedNeighborhood.

    python ./encodings/ --n1 10 --n2 14 --deactivateCovering --maxClosedNeighborhood 7 --selectCriticalSubgraph 8 --args-SMS "--min-chromatic-index-hypergraph 8"

To enumerate planar graphs, using different encodings, use ./encodings/ with the following commands ($n stands for the number of vertices):

  • Kuratowski based encoding:
    python -m -v $n --all-graphs --planar
    In this case, the planarity is not part of the encoding but rather forwarded to the SMS solver, and checked with a frequency of 1/5, i.e., only every 5th time, we check if the partially defined graph is planar. If not a suitable clause is added.
  • Schnyder order based encoding:
    python ./encodings/ -v $n --all-graphs --planar_schnyder
  • Universal set based encoding:
    python ./encodings/ -v $n --all-graphs --planar_universal

Planar OEIS integer sequences

To investigate all OEIS sequences, we used the following commands:

\(k\)-connected \(n\)-vertex graphs for \(k \in \{0,1,2,3,4,5\}\) (A88,A1349,A2218,A6290,A86216,A86217):

python ./pysms/ -v $n --all-graphs --connectivity-low $k

\(k\)-connected \(n\)-vertex planar graphs for \(k \in \{0,1,2,3,4,5\}\) (A5470,A3094,A21103,A944,A7027,A361578):

python ./pysms/ -v $n --all-graphs --connectivity-low $k --planar

\(k\)-connected directed \(n\)-vertex graphs for \(k \in \{0,1,2,3\}\) (A273,A3085,A361367,A361370):

python ./pysms/ -v $n --all-graphs --connectivity-low $k --directed --underlying-graph

\(k\)-connected directed \(n\)-vertex planar graphs for \(k \in \{0,1,2,3\}\) (A361366,A361368,A361369,A361371):

python ./pysms/ -v $n --all-graphs --connectivity-low $k --planar --directed --underlying-graph

\(k\)-connected \(n\)-vertex triangulations for \(k \in \{3,4,5\}\) (A109,A7021,A111358):

python ./pysms/ -v $n --all-graphs --connectivity-low $k --planar --num-edges-low $((3*$n-6))

\(n\)-vertex planar graphs with even degrees (A49339):

python ./pysms/ -v $n --all-graphs --planar --even-degrees

connected \(n\)-vertex planar graphs with even degrees (A49365):

python ./pysms/ -v $n --all-graphs --planar --even-degrees --connectivity-low 1

\(n\)-vertex planar graphs with minimum degree at least \(k\) for \(k \in \{1,2,3,4,5\}\) (A49369-A49373):

python ./pysms/ -v $n --all-graphs --planar --delta-low $k

connected triangle-free 3-regular \(2n\)-vertex planar graphs (A255600):

python ./pysms/ -v $((2*$n)) --all-graphs --connectivity-low 1 --planar --Ck-free 3 --delta-low 3 --Delta-upp 3

2-connected 3-regular \(n\)-vertex planar graphs (A58378):

python ./pysms/ -v $((2*$n)) --all-graphs --planar --delta-low 3 --Delta-upp 3 --connectivity-low 2

Planar Turan numbers

For creating the encoding for the Turan numbers for planar graphs, we also use the script ./encodings/ The arguments are as usual, especially we use the argument --Ck-free c to forbid all cycles with lentgth \(c\).

For example, the following command produces a planar graph with \(n\) vertices and atleast \(m\) edges without a \(4\)-cycle or returns unsat.

python ./pysms/ -v $n --num-edges-low $m --Ck-free 4 --args-SMS " --planar 5 "

Earth-Moon Problem

For creating the encoding for the Earth-Moon-Problem (based on planar directed graphs), we also use the script ./encodings/ with the argument --earthmoon c, where \(c\) is the minimum chromatic number of the searched for graph.

For example the following command produces a directed graph, whose underlying graph has \(11\) vertices, chromatic number at least \(9\) and is biplanar (i.e., has thickness \(2\)).

python ./encodings/ -v 11 --directed --earthmoon 9 --args-SMS " --thickness2 5"

Automatically, some assumptions are made when using the parameter --earthmoon c

  • The graph \(G_1\) is maximal planar
  • \(K_5\) and \(K_{3,3}\) are excluded explicitly as subgraph for both \(G_1\) and \(G_2\).
  • The underlying graph has minimum degree \(\geq c - 1\).

Last, we can simply test whether the graph \(C_5[4,4,4,4,3]\) is biplanar, using the following command

  python ./encodings/ -v 19 --directed --earthmoon_candidate1